As a powerful server side scripting language, Python makes it easier for developers to build high-performing websites rapidly. The object-oriented programming language supports modules and packages. So the developers can divide the code into different modules, and reuse these modules across different projects. They can further reduce overall development time and efforts significantly by using a Python web framework.
As highlighted by several surveys, existing Python developers across the world prefer Django to other popular Python web frameworks like TurboGears, Falcon, Pyramid, web2py and Along with being a high-level web framework, Django is also flexible and extensible, and comes with features that help developers to create customized internet applications. There are also a number of reasons why Django is hugely popular among both beginners and existing Python programmers.
What Makes Django Popular Among Existing Python Programmers?
Shorter and Cleaner Code
The existing Python programmers understand the long-term benefits of a shorter and cleaner code base. As Python enables those to express common concepts with less code, they can always avoid creating longer code. At the same time, Django supports model-view-controller (MVC) pattern. The pattern makes it easier for programmers to organize their code efficiently by keeping the business logic, user interface and application data separate. The combination of Python and Django helps experienced developers to create readable, shorter and cleaner code.
Options to Customize Web Applications
Nowadays each business wants its website to deliver distinct and rich user experience. Python developers look for options to customize pieces of websites without putting any extra time and effort. As a flexible web framework, Django enables them to customize different pieces of a website. Instead of using pre-built web applications, the programmers are required to focus only on customizing pieces of the website according to client's specific requirements. The focus enables them to create applications that deliver relevant content or information according to the specific needs of user.
Built-in Tools for Accomplishing Common Tasks
Django is being updated regularly with new features and built-in tools. It includes a variety of built-in tools that help users to accomplish common web development tasks without writing lengthy code. These built-in tools help programmers to reduce the amount of time required for developing large websites.
A Variety of Packages
The existing Python programmers further boost performance of their web application using Django packages. The Django packages include reusable tools, apps, and sites. Many developers frequently use apps like Django Extensions, Django Celery, Django Rest Framework and South. They also effectuate development of ecommerce websites by using django SHOP, django-oscar, Satchmo, satchless or Cartridge. They also have option to choose from a variety of reusable tools, apps and sites according to the nature and needs of the web application. These packages make it easier for them to boost the website's performance without writing extra code.
Object-relational Mapper (ORM)
The choice of database differs from one client to another. The experienced Python developers prefer using object-relational mapper to write database queries without using SQL. Django comes with an ORM that enables developers to manipulate database without writing lengthy SQL queries. The framework implements the ORM by default to allow programmers to describe the database layout as a Python class. At the same time, they also have option to use a Python API to access data in a more efficient way. As the API is generated on the fly, the developers are not required to generate any additional code. That is why; Django is used widely for development of data-driven websites.
Human Readable URLs
The beginners often ignore the significance of human readable URLs. But existing Python developers understand the benefits of human readable URLs for the web application. The website visitors can understand and remember the URL more easily. Also, the human readable URLs will make the web pages rank higher on search engine results pages. Django makes it easier for programmers to create simple, readable and easy-to-remember URLs for both website visitors and search engine bottoms.
Dynamic Admin Interface
Each client wants a simple and dynamic admin interface to manage the application smoothly. Django is designed with features to generate a production-ready admin interface. The dynamic admin interface allows authenticate users to add, delete and change objects. Thus, it makes it easier for the business to edit or update the website content, without using any backend interface. The existing Python programmers take advantage of this feature to setup and run admin sites while developing the models.
Optimized Security
Python scores over other popular web programming language in the category of security. The existing Python developers also avail the features of Django to optimize the security of Python web application. Unlike other web frameworks, Django often generates web pages dynamically, and sends the content to web browsers through templates. So the source code remains hidden from both the web browser and end users. As the source code is not directly exposed to the end users, the internet application gets comprehensive security cover. At the same time, the developers can also use Django to prevent cross-site scripting attacks, SQL injection and other security threats.
Option to Exchange Ideas
Like other open source technologies, Django is also supported by a large and active community. So the existing Python web developer often avail assistance of the community to handle new issues. At the same time, they also exchange ideas and best practices with other members of the community on a regular basis. The exchange makes it easier for them to keep track of the latest trends in web development, along with understanding how to implement these trends without any hassle.
The existing Python programmers also upgrade to the latest version of Django to avail new features and enhancements, along with a number of bug fixes. Further, they can avail regular security updates for the most recent version of the web framework to protect the application from latest security threats. Many programmers even upgrade to the latest version of Django to keep their code base relevant and up to date.